ICCL - Equity Credit Stress Testing Methodology
>   Credit Stress Testing Methodology
Credit Stress Testing Methodology
Stress Test for Credit Risk

Equity Cash Segment :

Frequency: Daily
Note: Day of Stress test –'S' day

Scenario 1: Brokers

  • 1. CC shall compute the ‘Cumulative Funds pay-in’, 'Cumulative Funds pay-out', ‘Cumulative Securities pay-in’ and ‘Cumulative Securities pay-out’ of all members as on the end of pay-in deadline on the ‘S’ day. For this purpose, cumulative pay in/pay out of each member's trades (shall include non-institutional trades as well as 2X% by value of those institutional trades which have not yet been confirmed by the custodian) undertaken on ‘S-1’ day and on ‘S’ day till the pay-in deadline shall be considered. *X is the highest daily % by value of custodial rejects in the previous 12 months
  • Any early pay-in of funds/securities is ignored.
  • It is assumed that each clearing member would default in meeting its 'cumulative funds pay-in' and 'cumulative securities pay-in' obligations.
  • Loss:
    • Securities pay-in failure of the member
      It is assumed that the failure to bring in securities would result in financial close-out and ICCL would suffer a loss of 20% (at the minimum) of the value of such securities pay-in obligation
    • Funds pay-in obligation failure of the member
      The assumed loss on liquidation of securities that would have been paid-out to the defaulting member is:
      a. Group 1 securities – 20%
      b. Group 2 & 3 securities – 20% scaled up by root of 3.
    • Gross loss due to member
      Gross loss
      due to member
      = Funds pay-in + 120% of securities
      - Funds pay-out - Liquidation value of
      securities pay-out
  • Coverage:
    ICCL calculates the gross loss (as per 4 above) for each clearing member and assesses that against the defaulting clearing members' mandatory margins (in case of early pay-in, those margins which would have been applicable had the early pay-in not been made, are considered). Excess collateral, if any, is ignored. Equity scrips as collateral, if any, are valued with minimum 20% haircut.
  • ICCL calculates the total credit exposure due to simultaneous default of at least two clearing members (based on residual loss calculated in 5 above) and their associates causing highest credit exposure.

Scenario 2: Custodian

  • ICCL computes the 'Cumulative Funds pay-in', 'Cumulative Funds pay-out', 'Cumulative Securities pay-in' and 'Cumulative Securities pay-out' of all custodians as on the end of pay-in deadline on the 'S' day. For this purpose cumulative pay-in/payout of each custodian's trades (including those trades which have been confirmed by the custodian) undertaken on 'S-2' day, 'S-1' day and on 'S' day till the pay-in deadline is considered.
  • Any early pay-in of funds/securities is ignored.
  • It is assumed that each custodian would default in meeting its 'cumulative funds pay-in' and 'cumulative securities pay-in' obligation.
  • Loss:
    • Securities pay-in failure of the member
      It is assumed that the failure to bring in securities would result in financial close-out and ICCL would suffer a loss of 20% (at the minimum) of the value of such securities pay-in obligation.
    • Funds pay-in obligation failure of the member
      The assumed loss on liquidation of securities that would have been paid-out to the defaulting member is:–
      a. Group 1 securities: 20%
      b. Group 2 & 3 securities: 20% scaled up by root of 3.
    • Gross loss due to member / custodian
      Gross loss
      due to member / custodian
      = Funds pay-in + 120% of securities
      - Funds pay-out - Liquidation value
      of securities pay-out
  • Coverage:
    • ICCL calculates the gross loss (as per 4 above)  for each clearing member /custodian  and assesses that against the member’s / custodian’s mandatory margins  (in case of early pay-in, those margins which would have been applicable had the early pay-in not been made, are considered.) Excess collateral, if any, is ignored. Equity scrips as collateral, if any, are valued with minimum 20% haircut.
    • ICCL calculates the total credit exposure due to each member / custodian (based on residual loss calculated in 5 above) and their associates daily.